Thursday, September 14, 2017

Julio Altamirandah story - Converting to Islam

Julio altamiranda convert to Islam
 Julio Altamiranda shared his story how he has converted to Islam.

I was 27. I had left a job in finance after reading the Torah and then Gospel of Matthew, chapter 19 verse 29.

My girlfriend was Muslim. I had quit my job on a whim. I read the above verse on a wednesday morning and quit that afternoon. I was raised Catholic but by 13 I had decided Christianity was nonsense. I was not willing to accept that my non-Christian friends, many who were much nicer and generally better human beings than I was, were all going to hell, even my Jewish friends who prayed and went to Synagogue on Saturdays.

I was also not interested in being told that Jesus died for my sins, when not once does Jesus say anything about this in the Bible. Also by the looks of my life and the life of others in the world… we are all suffering all the time.

According to Judaism and Islam and just about all the other religions (EXCEPT CHRISTIANITY) people suffer because they are being punished for sins, or because of Karma (which is really the same thing), or even sometimes because God might be saving them from something worse…
I cannot answer that question, but at the age of 13 I was still 100% sure that believing that someone died for your sins creates a situation where you are likely to continue sinning.

So I stopped going to church and just fucked around for years. Then I took LSD. It became blatantly obvious to me that there was a God, or at least something going on. So I began searching.
I studied Hermeticism, and saw that Christianity was really just a hodge podge of beliefs based on whatever was popular in the Roman empire. As if the President of United States looked on facebook at the most popular religious beliefs and created a new religion based on those. It was not based on any of the things Jesus said to do, because Jesus was not a Christian. It rejected several concepts that had been part of Judaism for thousands of years, and not based on what Jesus said but what Paul says.

So at around 26, I moved to Brooklyn. I would see the Orthodox Jews reading their books on the train and thought, well these people have been doing this every morning, for thousands of years! So I bought a book of Psalms and began reading it with the lunar calendar. I still do this everyday.

I looked into Judaism, my grandmother was Jewish, and the Orthodox community in Brooklyn is very vibrant and interesting but I found the religion very racist, not towards me… or any skin color, but in general there was this belief that God only loved us, and that we did not owe anything to others. For example the Torah says “do not lend on interest to your brother”

The word brother according to Orthodox Rabbis meant other Jews… so it is ok to lend on interest to non-Jews. I could not accept this hypocrisy. Also I was reading the Quran… a Quran I found in a Synagogue!
The Quran simply made more sense, and believe it or not, was much less violent than the Torah. People say the Quran is violent because they have not read the Bible in its entirety, or they argue that Jews do not take the Bible literally and Muslims take the Quran literally.

I think it says multitudes about a group of people and their book if they cannot take their own book seriously.
It became obvious to me that the Torah was not ONE book that Moses wrote after God gave it to him at Sinai. I began to do research and see that it was not until Maimonides that Jews even began to say or believe that the Torah was written by Moses based on what God gave him at Mt. Sinai. This is very interesting because Maimonides lived during the Arab Golden Age, meaning he most likely stole this idea from Muslims.
Prior to Maimonides, Jews thought exactly what most mainstream Jews and Christians believe today about the Bible… that it is made up of different books written by different people at different times who believed different things.

the Quran

I learned that there was only one version of the Quran. There are not disputes among Muslims like there are among Christians and Jews as to whose version is correct. There is no evidence like the Dead Sea Scrolls that basically proves the Torah inside our Synagouges today… IS NOT what Jews had 2000 years ago, and that prior to the first written Masoretic texts… the Torah was not a concrete text, but a fluid one that was always being written differently.

It also was interesting that the earliest Torah we have is from 2300 years ago but Moses lived over 3000 years ago.
The earliest Gospels were all written after Jesus left the earth, and all the canonical Gospels (the 4 in the Bible) were written in Greek. There are no Hebrew/Aramaic versions.
The Quran however… all the same. No alternate versions. When the Torah is uploaded into software designed to analyze text and tell us if there are more than one author (usually used to spot plagiarism in student papers)

The software shows us clearly what any 5th grade student would ask his religion teacher
If Moses wrote the Torah, why is it written from a third person’s perspective?
Why doesn’t Moses call himself “me”
Why does Moses say, “And then Moses went up to the top of the mountain and died and was buried there”
Why do we have to believe in stupid things?

So I sat down with a glass of wine and began to read the Quran in the order of revelation, starting with Surah 96 (AL-ALAQ), 68, 73, 74, 111, 1

I read maybe 40 Surahs that night. I felt almost as if I was Muhammad, alone in a cave wondering if this could really be.
Could God have actually have given humanity a book? in his own hand
And surely enough he had.
I got to a verse

Well let me tell you. I was an alcoholic. I used to drink everyday for years. I had tried to quit for 2 years. I had gone to AA meetings and always ended up leaving thinking I had it under control. I would stick to just beer and find myself finishing bottles of Whiskey on a Wednesday night.

I knew what the Quran said about alcohol, and thinking about it now I probably was reluctant to accept the truth because I did not want to stop drinking, I did not want to believe that God had said I should stop drinking.

But there I was, 27, DRUNK, reading THAT verse.

I put the book down and it dawned upon me that I was now a Muslim.
In 2 weeks I was sober and I have not touched alcohol since. I didn't need anymore signs.
… But I got more signs!

Mathematical Structure in the Quran

Later I discovered some of the newly found details about mathematical structures in the Quran.
I will just put a link here, as this answer is probably longer than most people would like.
Basically. It became obvious to me that there is no way that Muhammad or any human being wrote this book.

It would be impossible for a man in the 7th century in Arabia of all places… to have written this book with all these details that nobody could have known.
It would be more likely to believe that Muhammad had a time machine, went to the future, studied Cryptography at MIT and then went back to Arabia and wrote the Quran secretly, then slowly revealed verses and kept the entire mathematical structure a secret, and told NO ONE. And nobody figured it out until 1973…

Sounds crazy because it is.

God wrote the Quran.

Quran is the holy grail. No doubt about it.

Becoming a Muslim was the best thing that ever happened to me. I pray that God will let me die a Muslim.
